Physical well-being, emotional balance,
& spiritual centeredness with


Let’s find out if acupuncture is right for you…


01 — Acupuncture is holistic.

Whether your symptoms are new or something you’ve been struggling with for a while, acupuncture can be an essential therapy for healing. Acupuncture works by correcting physical and emotional imbalances, without the need for surgical or pharmaceutical interventions. Rather than masking symptoms like most medications, acupuncture activates the natural healing mechanisms of the body to resolve imbalances.

02 —Acupuncture is safe.

Acupuncture has the advantage of initiating healing mechanisms of the surrounding cells and tissues without the risk of unintended, down-stream consequences like those of medications and surgeries. All needles are brand new from the sterile package which means there is zero risk of infection! Additionally, allopathic medical interventions are responsible for more than 250,000 deaths annually in the United States. Acupuncture is responsible for zero deaths annually.

03 —Acupuncture is time-tested.

This ancient healing art has been around for thousands of years and proven to be one of the best therapeutics in the modern age for simultaneously addressing pain, inflammation, hormone dysregulation and stress. What medication can boast those kinds of results? Acupuncture creates cellular resilience and adaptability to stress, helping to reorganize cellular, metabolic and ionic incoherence and dysfunction.

99% of all diseases are the consequence of stress; whether from physical over-use, injury, emotional taxation, environmental toxins, or dietary indiscretion, stress, is the mechanism behind whatever it is you are struggling with. So let’s heal your whole being by treating all levels: physical, mental and emotional.

04 — Acupuncture is scientifically proven.

Research has shown that acupuncture works to inhibit pain by and enhance mental/emotional health by:

  • increasing naturally produced opioids

  • up-regulating corticosterone (regulates energy, immunity, stress response)

  • enhancing 5-HT1AR (natural anti-depressant)

  • increasing endogenous canabinoids (regulates pain, memory, mood, immunity and stress)

  • decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines

  • decreasing interleukin-1beta, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-a (all of these are involved in the inflammatory process)

  • increasing GABA -(chemical made in the brain that is anti-anxiety)

  • decreases COX-2 (an enzyme involved in inflammatory conditions like arthritis)

 Acupuncture helps with……

No time is better than the present to begin your healing journey.