Frequently Asked Questions
+ What does acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture is a whole-body system for treating all types of disease, pain and ailments. Whether you have a life-long history of asthma or an acute muscle strain, acupuncture has been effectively treating various imbalances of the body for more than 2500 years. Disease and pain are the result of imbalance and acupuncture works by helping your body do what it is designed to do on its own: self heal.
+ How do I know if acupuncture is right for me?
Acupuncture has been around for 2500 years precisely because it is a safe and effective means for restoring the natural healing mechanisms of the body. Stress is unavoidable, whether in the form of physical imbalance like a repetitive motion injury, a chemical source like refined, processed and pesticide treated foods, or an emotional source such as a high-pressure job or family responsibilities. Exercise and diet alone are no longer enough to protect you from cellular stress, cancer, and degeneration. Everyone on this planet is faced with incredible health challenges given the intensity with which our body and mind are being stressed on multiple fronts. Acupuncture is one of the few healing modalities which can actually protect you from disease as well as treat the symptoms of imbalance.
+ Is acupuncture painful?
More than 85% of the patients I treat would say “no, acupuncture is not painful”. Though the answer to this question is a subjective one as everyone has a different threshold for sensation. Most patients describe acupuncture as feeling unusual and sometimes intense, though rarely do people say it hurts. Primarily, when the acupuncture needle is inserted you may feel a tiny prick, less intense than a bug bite, and then you will feel an electric, heavy, pressing or energetic sensation at the site of the needle. It is hard to imagine what acupuncture feels like if your only reference for needles is a shot, blood draw or nerve conduction study, because acupuncture feels nothing like any of those. I always work to the comfort level of my patients and do my best to make the process as pain-free and relaxing as possible.
+ How often will I need treatment?
Most conditions necessitate 2 treatments per week for around 3-4 weeks. Keep in mind that acupuncture is a therapy, not a magic one-time cure-all. You wouldn’t go to physical therapy and expect to improve by doing exercises from “time to time”, and the same is true for acupuncture. In order to overcome patterns of imbalance, your body has to generate a healing momentum and this requires consistency and frequency of treatment. Depending on the condition you are coming for and other lifestyle factors, your individual course of treatment may require less frequent visits.
+ What type of results should I expect?
Most people improve after one visit, though a sustained healing response typically requires multiple acupuncture treatments. As a general rule of thumb, the longer you have had a condition, and the more intense or severe the symptoms are, the more time you will need to make a full recovery.
+ Does acupuncture work for everyone?
No. Acupuncture is no different than allopathic medicine in that not all patients will respond to the prescribed treatment. You have probably had at least one failed healing therapy in your life, whether it was a medication which didn’t work or an injection which failed to provide relief. Overall, my success rate is about 90 % in helping various conditions and patients feel better with acupuncture. If you aren’t responding to acupuncture by your third or fourth visit, we will do a reevaluation and discuss other treatment options.
+ Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?
Yes. Not only is acupuncture safe during pregnancy, I strongly recommend women get regular acupuncture treatments throughout pregnancy to protect the developing fetus from unhealthy stress levels. There is plenty of data and research demonstrating that stress from the mother will adversely affect her developing baby with such conditions as: low birth weight, premature labor, higher than normal stress hormones in the newborn, issues with bonding, and developmental delays. It has also been well documented in my clinic that mothers who received regular acupuncture treatments throughout pregnancy did not have a colicky baby. In fact, I cannot find a fussy baby who was born to any of the pregnant women I treated throughout their pregnancy in the past 15 years.
+ Is acupuncture safe while taking blood thinners?
Yes. While you may be more susceptible to bruising if you are taking a blood thinner, acupuncture is a safe form of treatment if you are taking a blood thinners.
+ I've tried acupuncture before and it didn't work, why should I try again?
There are far too many variables to account for why acupuncture may not have worked in the past, but it is always advantageous to try again regardless of past results. Lifestyle factors like stress level, level of physical fitness, mental/emotional fitness, time of year, time of day, quality of diet and nutrition, style of acupuncture, duration of treatment, consistency of treatment, etc. will all affect how you respond to acupuncture.
+ What makes your clinic unique?
It is my mission to help everyone achieve their health goals and thrive in body, mind and spirit. I encourage all of my patients to eat right, exercise regularly, and do whatever it takes to return to balance. This may mean you will be asked to incorporate other therapies in addition to acupuncture like dietary adjustments, massage, chiropractic or physical therapy. Life is stressful and demanding and all patients deserve an open-minded practitioner whose mission is to serve the needs of the patient, not serve their own belief system or ego. Collaboration and teamwork are essential to the mindset of the modern healer. I will help you find the best solution for your individual situation and encourage you to do whatever it takes to achieve your health goals.
+ How long is a typical session?
The initial visit will take about 60-75 minutes, if you are doing cosmetic acupuncture, that is the standard appointment length for all visits.
Once you are an established patient most appointments will take about 45 minutes.
+ Does my insurance cover acupuncture?
We accept all insurance plans HOWEVER most insurance plans DO NOT cover acupuncture. We can verify your insurance benefits for your, just send a picture of the front and back of your insurance card along with the front of your driver’s license. You can email or text that information.
Our office will take care of billing your insurance company if you have insurance coverage for acupuncture. You will be responsible for co-payments and/or the deductible at the time of service.