Acupuncture Near Clintondale
If you live in Clintondale, NY, and are searching for the best acupuncture near you, look no further. KM Acupuncture clinic can help you in a variety of ways through acupuncture, nutrition, cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, tui na, cosmetic acupuncture, micro needling and more.Acupuncture and the treatment of pain
Have been searching for alternative ways to manage your pain, enhance your immune function, or slow the aging process? Acupuncture may be just the answer you’ve been looking for.
Acupunture Near Clintondale, NY
Acupuncture and the immune system.
How does acupuncture help with the immune system? Acupuncture can influence the immune system through the regulation of the sympathetic nervous system. When we are under stress, whether it’s emotional/mental, physical, or chemical, our body manages these stimuli through sophisticated processes to keep us safe.
One such process is the fight or flight mode that we shift into when the amygdala detects a threat to our safety and well being. Unfortunately, because the body evolved to fight or flee a dangerous situation, it down-regulates the immune system, shunts blood from the middle of the body to the periphery (limbs) so our muscles and nerves can fire rapidly to evade whatever danger we face.
This works great to keep us safe from physical threats like a predator coming after us, but is less helpful when the stress we face is more perceived than actually physically dangerous. The modern age is replete with perceived threats, our day to day management of work/life which we perceive as stressful; much less frequently we face actual physical threats to our well being. We are continually in a mode of down-regulating the immune system due to the nature of our modern lives and culture.
KM Acupuncture Clinic, located near Clintondale, NY has made enhancing immune function a focus of the past few years, because there has been an increased demand for immune support.
Acupuncture to slow the aging process.
How does acupuncture slow the aging process? Aging is the result of oxidative damage to the cells, also known as free-radicals. Although oxidative damage is a simple fact of getting older, there are many ways to either speed up or slow down that process.
Stress is the biggest culprit in creating free-radical damage. Stress comes in many forms: mental/emotional, physical (over-work, over-training), lack of sleep, and chemical exposure (medications, contaminated food and water supply, cleaners, plastics). When the cell’s machinery is overwhelmed by any and all of these stress factors, its ability to detoxify is inhibited.
Acupuncture enhances cellular detoxification, helps promote collagen production, down-regulates cortisol, and optimizes blood and energy circulation. These are some of the ways acupuncture can help slow down the aging process.
If you live in Clintondale, NY and you are interested in slowing down the aging process, enhancing health and living a more vital life, then you are in the right place at KM Acupuncture Clinic.
Kristin Misik is a NY State Licensed Acupuncturist with more than 2 decades of clinical and professional experience. Her reputation as a practitioner makes her among the best acupuncturists near Clintondale, NY.
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There are many benefits of acupuncture including, reduced stress, neck tension, back pain, eye strain, and allergy relief.
Acupuncture also improves your immune system, increases energy, and enhances mental clarity. If you need Acupuncture near Clintondale, book an appointment with us today!